Tag: video

Core Exercises after Prolapse Surgery and Prolapse Safe Exercises

Unfortunately for many women the potential forpelvic floor injury with intense core exercise is not well recognised within fitness circles. After prolapse surgery, some women even get the go-ahead to return to their regular gym exercises with little understanding of the potential risk of recurrent prolapse with the wrong kind of abdominal core exercise.

Osteoporosis Exercises Spine Strength Physiotherapist Video

This free osteoporosis exercise video teaches you 3 osteoporosis exercises to help you exercise for the bone health of your spine (specifically your middle back).

These exercises for osteoporosis will:
help prevent mid spine fractures that cause dowager’s hump
promote improved bone density of the spine
improve posture
safely improve back strength
protect the pelvic floor.

Safe Arm Toning Exercises for Women Online Video

Learn 3 great exercises and tips to help you tone and strengthen your upper body and protect your pelvic floor!

Expert physiotherapist instructor teaches you step-by-step how to strengthen your upper body and minimise pelvic floor strain. Women with prolapse symptoms, incontinence and after a hysterectomy or prolapse surgery (returning to exercise) are often unsure how to strengthen and protect their pelvic floor. This video show you how to improve your upper body strength with effective exercises using techniques and positions to reduce the likelihood of pelvic floor strain.

How to Strengthen Your Legs – Safe Strength Exercises for Women

This exercise video teaches you how to do 3 great exercises to help you safely improve your leg strength and protect your pelvic floor. This video is designed and presented with expert physiotherapist guidance. Learn how to safely and effectively perform squat and lunge exercises that are modified for women living with pelvic floor dysfunction such as prolapse, after prolapse surgery or after a hysterectomy.

Osteoporosis exercises hips

Osteoporosis Exercises for Hips – Physiotherapist Online Video

This free osteoporosis exercise video teaches you how to exercises to help you safely improve your hip bone denity. It is can be very difficult to exercise for your bone health if you are also living with pelvic floor problems such as incontinence, pelvic prolapse or after vaginal surgery. These osteoporosis exercises are ideal if you are looking for safe exercises to strengthen you hip bones for osteoporosis, osteopenia or if you you are interested in safe osteoporosis prevention exercises.

Pelvic Stability Exercises- How to Strengthen and Stabilise Your Pelvis Video

This practical exercise session teaches you 3 great exercises to help you safely improve your hip and pelvic strength. These exercises are ideal for women who are looking for safe alternatives to strengthen whilst living with pelvic floor dysfunction including after pelvic surgery. They are also ideal exercises for women wishing to prepare heir bodies for pregnancy and fantastic postnatal exercises to help new mums improve their pelvic stability and control.

5 Strength Exercises for Women – Safe Prolapse Exercises Video

Learn how to strengthen your legs, back and upper body and exercise safely as you are guided by expert physiotherapist instruction. This professional strength training exercise workout is ideal for women living with pelvic prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction including after a hysterectomy or vaginal surgery. Many women with pelvic floor dysfunction want to return to safe strength exercise but are terrified of causing further injury to their pelvic floor. It is increasingly being recognised that inappropriate strength exercises can make pelvic floor problems such as pelvic prolapse, uterine prolapse and incontinence much worse.

Kegel exercises after hysterectomy

Successful Pelvic Floor Exercises After Vaginal Surgery

Expert physiotherapist insructional video with step-by-step guidance for improving long-term pelvic floor support and preventing pelvic floor dysfunction after pelvic floor surgery including hysterectomy and prolapse repair. Exercise instruction to help prevent and overcome bladder/bowel and repeat prolapse after a hysterectomy or prolapse repair.

Core Exercises After Hysterectomy Video- Abdominal Muscle Series No. 2

Expert physiotherapist designed and presented video on core control exercises for abdominal and pelvic support. Ideal for women recovering from abominal hysterectomy or vaginal hysterectomy and also suited to women recovering from prolapse surgery. These safe and gentle supported exercises are designed to improve core abdominal and pelvic support and spinal stability to help women return to work and general activity.

Hysterectomy Exercise Core Training Video – Abdominal Muscle Series No. 1

Expert physiotherapy guidance video for how to safely exercise and condition your deep abdominal core muscles after a hysterectomy. Gentle lying down abdominal control exercises with step by step instruction is suited to women recovering from abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy. Deep abdominal muscle control exercises will improve your ability to move with minimal discomfort during hysterectomy recovery, and improve abdominal muscle tone and support of your surgical would.