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Comments on Pelvic Exercises are here to help you – our lovely community of supportive female readers.
This is a safe space to get information, share your challenges, experiences and successes and feel supported in moving forward and recovering.
This guide is designed to uphold our commenting standards and protect our female community.
How To Comment On Pelvic Exercises
- I love your comments – they’re far more important than anything I write or post. Your comments help you access information and they help other women in ways you probably can’t imagine. They also inspire me by telling me what you want to know more about so I can make more content to help you.
- Contribute to thoughtful discussion and sharing your personal relevant experiences, feelings and attitudes. Sharing good quality thoughtful information helps many other readers too. Please read the article or watch the video before commenting. Comments like ‘good post’ or ‘try Viagra’ that don’t enrich the conversation are not posted.
- Comment on other readers comments. Please feel most welcome to respond in a positive manner to another woman’s comments. A few words from you can make a huge difference to what another woman is going through and help her life.
- Comments are not a Medical or Physical Therapy advisory service. If you need to know more once you’ve read the article or watched the video, I’m always happy to expand upon particular relevant points. Your thoughtful comments related to the content are most welcome. Unfortunately I am unable to solve your individual medical problems in comments. Many hours of my time are needed to produce more freely available content to help all our readers (and I need time in my day to feed my family too).
- Your Physical Therapy questions may be answered in future videos, or articles. If you have a specific question it may be answered in our free monthly Newsletter Q & A video sessions or in a future specially dedicated blog video or article. Approval to use your question will be sought beforehand, your privacy is protected and you’ll be advised via email. You’ll need to register for our newsletter on the home page (top RHS facing).
- Your personal details are private and confidential. Please feel welcome to use an assumed first name when commenting if you’d prefer not leave your own name. Your full surname is never published with your comment to protect your privacy. Your correct email address is required so that you can be notified when your comment has been approved and posted online.
- All comments are moderated before posting. This means every comment is read and screened before publishing on site. Inappropriate comments are never published and immediately deleted. Inappropriate comments include off topic comments, crude or nasty comments, self promotion or violation of anyone’s copyright or trademark.
- Links to other quality sites are encouraged. If you have relevant information to share on a particular topic that will enrich the conversation, please feel welcome to share the link. Links to promote unrelated products or irrelevant topics are not posted.
- Spam comments are deleted. This is a site to help women. Unfortunately some businesses or individuals try to promote themselves or their products on websites. Spam is not tolerated and is automatically blocked and deleted on this site.
- Comments on Pelvic Exercises are a privilege not an entitlement. Comments and emails demanding replies are not helpful to anyone. Certain comments may be deleted or altered even after they are posted.
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