Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises


Health and fitness exercises that help you:

    • Stay active safely
    • Strengthen and tone your body
    • Manage your body weight
    • Improve your fitness and well being
    • Feel confident in your body
pelvic floor safe exercises

Pelvic Floor Safe Exercise Videos and Information


Core Exercises for Beginners Home Routine

Physiotherapist guided beginners core exercise routine for abdominal toning and spinal strengthening - suitable with pelvic floor problems

Yoga poses

10 Yoga Poses to Avoid

Are you unsure about which Yoga poses to avoid if you're at risk of pelvic floor problems? This quick list will help you reduce your risk of injury with your Yoga practice

How to Modify Yoga after Hysterectomy

Safe Yoga after Hysterectomy or Prolapse Surgery

Learn how to modify some of the the most common Yoga poses to help you return to Yoga safely after your pelvic surgery

Hips Butt & Thighs for Prolapse

Physio Safe Hips Butts and Thighs

Physio guided workout for strengthening and toning at home for women with prolapse or previous prolapse surgery

Cycling weight loss exercise

Best Exercises for Weight Loss with Prolapse

Are you struggling to lose weight with prolapse issues? Learn the best exercises to manage your weight

unsafe core exercise

Unsafe Abdominal Exercises

12 unsafe abdominal exercises to avoid if you're at increased risk of pelvic floor problems such a prolapse worsening or repeat prolapse

What are Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises?

These are exercises and exercise techniques designed to reduce the load on the pelvic floor during exercise.

Some exercises including intense core abdominal exercises, high impact and heavy lifting lifting exercises can increase the load on the pelvic floor.

When the load on the pelvic floor is greater than what it can withstand, the pelvic floor can stretch, weaken and become injured. This makes the pelvic floor more vulnerable to problems such as pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence.

Pelvic Floor Risk Factors

Risk factors for women with inappropriate exercises include:

  • Weak or poorly functioning pelvic floor muscles
  • Pelvic prolapse
  • After hysterectomy, prolapse or incontinence surgery
  • Obesity or overweight 
  • History of traumatic childbirth including forceps and multiple deliveries
  • Chronic cough
  • Chronic straining with constipation
  • Menopause 

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Safe Exercise

If you’re at increased risk of pelvic floor problems, knowing the best exercises to choose:

  • Helps you exercise and stay active 
  • Reduces your risk of pelvic floor strain and injury
  • Helps you return to exercise after pelvic surgery
  • Minimizes pelvic floor symptoms with exercise

Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises to Choose

Appropriate general exercises to choose include:

  • Low impact fitness exercises (e.g. cycling)
  • Gentle core abdominal exercises
  • Specific strength exercises and techniques
  • Appropriate group fitness exercises (e.g. modified Yoga)

Safe Exercise Techniques

Safe exercise techniques involve:

  • Knowing how much strain your pelvic floor can withstand
  • Matching your exercises to your existing pelvic floor strength and support
  • Modifying or avoiding inappropriate exercises
  • Breathing correctly during exercise to reduce strain
  • Choosing appropriate exercise positions
  • Activating your core muscles appropriately during exercise

Physiotherapist Guided Exercises

Inside Out Workout Saver Pack

Exercise safely with the Inside Out book and strength workout DVD available in this cost effective saver pack (download or hard copy).

Inside Out Book and Workout DVD helps you:

  • Improve your strength and tone
  • Exercise safely
  • Know the unsafe exercises to avoid
  • Strengthen your pelvic floor
  • Increase your lean muscle
  • Improve long-term weight management
  • Exercise with confidence
Inside Out Strength Saver Pack Download