‘Osteoporosis Exercises Spine Strength’ is an online 10 minute exercise video presented by Michelle Kenway Physiotherapist. Michelle demonstrates a series of mid spine strength exercises ideal for home-based bone density exercises.
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‘Osteoporosis Exercises Spine Strength’ Benefits
This short exercise video shows you exercises that help to:
- Improve the bone health of the mid spine;
- Prevent mid spine fractures that cause dowager’s hump;
- Promote improved bone density of the mid spine;
- Improve posture;
- Safely improve back strength; and
- Protect the pelvic floor with exercise.
Who is Suited to ‘Osteoporosis Exercises Spine Strength’ Video?
These exercises for osteoporosis are appropriate for most women with normal BMD and most women with moderate fracture risk (T score between -1 SD and-2.5 SD).
Women with a high fracture risk (BMD below 2.5) with or without fracture(s), and or mid spine pain are advised to seek their doctor’s approval before commencing these or any strength training exercises.
These exercises are suited to women with pelvic floor problems wh seek pelvic floor safe bone strength exercises including women with pelvic prolapse, incontinence and after pelvic surgery.
Osteoporosis Exercises Spine Strength Overview
This exercise video includes the following osteoporosis exercises and techniques:
- Posture correction exercises;
- Mid back strength exercise using dumbbell weights;
- Low dumbbell row exercise for back strength using dumbbell weights; and
- Push back/mid back strength exercise using dumbbell weights.
These exercises for the spine are designed and presented with step-by-step physiotherapist guidance. The format of these osteoporosis exercises is based on recent scientific research into those exercises most effective for bone health and osteoporosis of the spine. They require very little equipment and can be performed at home.
Video duration: 9 minutes
Note to ensure the smooth viewing of the video, it is recommended that you press on this play arrow and then when the video starts loading you press the ‘pause’ button until you can see that the entire video has loaded. This will help avoid the video stopping to load while you watch.
Osteoporosis Exercises and Pelvic Floor Problems
If you have been diagnosed with decreased BMD (bone mineral density) you are probably aware that weight training is often prescribed to improve BMD. Heavy resistance training poses a big problem for women with pelvic floor problem such as prolapse or incontinence OR previous pelvic floor surgery such as prolapse repair, hysterectomy or incontinence surgery. Resistance training with heavy weights and the wrong strength training techniques can make pelvic floor problems much worse. Resistance exercises can be harmful for women who have had pelvic surgery. Take care with the resistance exercises that you undertake and also use the correct technique for bone strength exercises to protect your pelvic floor and improve your bone health, especially if you also have pelvic floor problems.
For more information on how to exercise safely improve your bone health refer to Bone-Fit for Beginners a complete 30 minute physiotherapist-guided professional osteoporosis home exercise program.