Back stretches routine to help you feel great!
This 5 minute back stretching video is ideal for women seeking simple daily of back stretches. These back stretches are ideal for women seeking gentle exercises to ease lower and middle back stiffness and improve spinal flexibility.
Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway demonstrates six effective back stretches for the lower and middle back.
Scroll below video for how to keep these back stretches safe and effective.
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Please note: These back stretches are not designed to treat specific lower back conditions – see your health practitioner for exercise advice if you suffer from a back condition. These exercises should not cause any physical discomfort and should be ceased immediately if any discomfort occurs.
For more Physiotherapist back exercises refer to our lower back strengthening online exercise video.
Back Stretches
Knee to Chest
Knee to chest stretch improves flexibility of the joints and muscles of the hips and lower back.
- Start lying on your back on a floor mat or a firm mattress. Use a pillow or cushion under your neck to support your head as required for any of the following lying down exercises.
- Gently raise your left leg holding the front of your left shin to bring your left thigh towards your chest.
- If your left knee is prone to soreness, hold around the back of your left thigh instead of the front of your shin.
- Keep your right leg straight along the ground – or alternatively keep your right leg bent with your right foot in contact with the ground if you are unable to fully extend your right leg.
- Repeat this back stretch by alternating legs and bringing your right knee towards your chest.
- Maintain your knee to chest stretch for 20-30 seconds at a time and repeat 2-3 times each leg.
Lumbar Rotations
Lumbar rotations are back exercises that promote movement and relieve stiffness in the joints and muscles of the lower back.
- Lying on your back bend one leg at a time so that both knees are bent and your feet are flat on the ground. Always keep your feet flat on the ground to keep this exercise safe for your lower back. Your arms should rest flat on the ground, palms facing downwards and away from the sides of your trunk.
- Breathe in and then breathe out as you roll your knees together towards the ground on one side of your body.
- Take your legs down towards the ground within your range of comfortable movement before rolling your knees to the other side of your body.
- Keep both of your shoulders on the ground throughout this exercise to promote movement in your lower back.
- Keep your breathing relaxed throughout lumbar rotation back stretches.
- Repeat up to 10 lumbar rotations in a row.
Pelvic Tilts
Pelvic tilts promote gentle movement in the lower back and pelvis. Pelvic tilts are often very comfortable and relieving for women with a large lumbar lordosis (inward curve in the lower back also known as ‘Sway Back’).
- Lying flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, gently tilt your pelvis backwards to flatten out the curve in your lower back
- Tilt your pelvis forwards to your starting position and avoid excessive arching of the lower back
- Pelvic tilts are a smooth mobility exercise involving repeated backwards and forwards tilting of the pelvis.
- Repeat up to 10 pelvic tilts in a row.
Kneeling Back Stretch
Kneeling back position stretches the muscles in the lower back and buttocks. This position also stretches the large muscles of the middle back (Latissimus Dorsi) when the arms are extended in front of the body. If your shoulders are sore modify this exercise by keeping your arms beside your body.
- Start kneeling with your knees under your hips and hands beneath your shoulders. Use a cushion under your knees if you have problems with your knees caused by kneeling.
- Reach your arms out along the ground in front of your body and move your buttocks backwards towards your heels.
- Keep your forehead down to avoid straining your neck
- Breathe in deeply to increase the intensity of stretch in your lower and middle back.
- Kneeling back stretch can be maintained for 20-30 seconds and repeated 2-3 times.
Back Extensions
Back extensions promote normal extension movement in the lower back. Avoid hyper extending your back by lifting your chest and shoulders too far from the ground, particularly if you have degenerative problems in your lower back.
- Start lying prone with your hand beneath your shoulders. If your wrists are sore with weight bearing, rest your body weight through your forearms instead.
- Raise your chest and shoulders backwards by pushing back through your hands (or forearms) as you exhale.
- Inhale and return your body back to lying prone.
- Keep your chin tucked and avoid hyper extending your neck during this exercise to minimise the risk of neck strain.
- Repeat up to 10 back extensions in a row.
Cat Curl
Cat curl is a gentle stretch for the joints and muscles of the middle and lower back.
- Start kneeling with your knees under your hips and your hands beneath your shoulders. Use a pillow or cushion under your knees if you are prone to knee pain associated with kneeling.
- Breathe in and stretch your middle back by arching backwards towards ceiling as if being drawn up by a string.
- Breathe out and return your back to neutral (normal) position. Avoid hyper extending or arching your back too far downward to avoid strain on your lower back.
- Repeat 4-5 cat curl stretches in a row.
Back stretches can help to alleviate back stiffness and maintain back flexibility and range of movement. A daily routine of 15 minutes of flexibility exercises is desirable for healthy adults. If your back is healthy, back stretches including those exercises demonstrated in this video can help increase flexibility and relieve back stiffness.