Are you looking for ways to relieve painful hemorrhoids now?
These practical hemorrhoid relief techniques by Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway help you relieve pain fast at home.
This Physiotherapy video and information teaches you:
- 9 ways to relieve hemorrhoids fast
- Typical hemorrhoid symptoms
- What causes hemorrhoids
Pelvic Floor Recovery and Safe Exercise Products
With Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway
9 Ways to Relieve Hemorrhoids Now
These useful home strategies are designed to help you take control and get immediate hemorrhoid relief.
1. Cold Compress
Cold treatment can alleviate swelling and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids.
A frozen water-filled condom or an ice cube wrapped in a disposable cloth can be applied against the outside of the anus for 5-10 minutes at a time and then discarded immediately following use. Pat dry gentle after cold application.
2. Lie Down
Lying down with a pillow beneath your knees will relieve pressure from the anal canal and reduce the load of your abdominal weight on your pelvic floor.
Hemorrhoids often become more painful towards the end of the day owing to the pressure associated with prolonged sitting and standing.
3. Take a Warm Bath
Warm baths or Sitz baths can provide immediate relief from hemorrhoid pain and itching. A bath tub can be filled with water to approximately hip level with warm water. Recline in the bath for 10-15 minutes at a time.
Warm baths can provide repeated relief throughout the day and immediately following bowel movements.
4. Reduce (reposition) the Hemorrhoid
When the hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus blood can become trapped or clot causing pain and swelling.
If the hemorrhoid is protruding (prolapsing) out of the anus you may try to gently reposition it inside the anus if it is not too painful.
Lubricate a gloved finger tip using water-based non-toxic lubricant and gently return the hemorrhoid within the rectum.
5. Stop Straining!
Straining to empty your bowels will aggravate hemorrhoid pain and prolong discomfort and swelling.
Know how to empty your bowels to avoid straining further and promote rectal healing (shown right)
Straining to empty the bowels can be caused by a range of factors including hard lumpy stool, constipation and incorrect toileting technique.
6. Care for Anal Skin
Avoid using soap when washing hemorrhoids as this can irritate the skin causing increased discomfort.
Warm water is the best option for washing the delicate skin of the pelvic floor. Pat the area dry with a soft towel using a gentle blotting action.
7. Use Alcohol-Free Wipes
Avoid coarse toilet paper and repeated wiping with coarse toilet paper after using your bowels.
External hemorrhoids and skin tags can make cleaning difficult contributing to anal discomfort and itching.
Moist alcohol-free, non-perfumed wipes can be used to gently clean around the hemorrhoid after using your bowels helping to avoid tissue irritation and relieve itching. Read the label of wipes to avoid using wipes containing alcohol (ethanol).
8. Avoid Rubber Ring Cushions
Sitting on a rubber ring doesn’t alleviate painful hemorrhoids – in fact it makes swelling and discomfort worse! Sitting on a rubber ring increases pressure within the anus trapping blood flow within the pelvic floor.
A doughnut shaped cushion is a preferable option for elevating the buttocks when sitting.
A towel roll or foam wedge strip placed length ways under each buttock/upper thigh will elevate the buttocks and avoid loading the pelvic floor. Foam wedges can be readily made from foam cut offs.
9. Analgesia, Ointments & Suppositories

Speak with your doctor or pharmacist about appropriate pain relieving medication.
Avoid taking oral codeine-based analgesics where possible as these can cause constipation and straining.
Immediate relief can often be obtained by using hemorrhoid ointments/suppositories.
Some ointments contain local anaesthetic and/or hydrocortisone which can alleviate pain and itching. Glycerine suppositories can help lubricate the anal canal and relieve internal hemorrhoids.
What are Hemorrhoids? 
Hemorrhoids are normal body tissue in and around the anus.
High pressure in the anal canal causes hemorrhoids to become swollen and displaced or forced out of position – this is why sometimes they occur suddenly after a bowel movement.
Typical Hemorrhoid Symptoms
External hemorrhoids can cause constant and severe pain. They often appear suddenly as a lump or lumps protruding from the anus. They occur when the blood vessels in the lower part of the anal canal become inflamed. External hemorrhoids (shown right) can cause bleeding if a blood clot develops in the tissue. If there is no blood clot anal discomfort and swelling can be problematic.
Internal hemorrhoids may be painless, itchy, cause bright red bleeding and they may or may not protrude or prolapse from the anus. They occur when hemorrhoid tissue higher within the anal canal is affected.
See your health practitioner for assessment if you experience any of these symptoms for accurate diagnosis.
What Causes Hemorrhoids?
- Pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Chronic constipation and straining to empty
- Chronic diarrheoa
- Prolonged sitting
Contributing Factors:
- Weak pelvic floor tissues
- Inherited tendency
- Inappropriate strength and fitness exercises
- Overweight
- Heavy lifting