Are you looking for core strengthening exercises?
Resistance band exercises offer an effective and convenient method of training core muscles.
You can do these resistance band exercises at home, in the gym and even when you’re travelling.
This video presented by Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway teaches you 2 simple and effective resistance band core exercises along with pelvic floor safe variations.
Please scroll down below this video for tips for keeping these exercises pelvic floor friendly and complete exercise guidelines.
Pelvic Floor Safe Exercise Saver Pack

Inside Out eBook and exercise workout video both available in this cost effective saver pack (download or hardcopy format).
Inside Out eBook and exercise video pack helps you:
- Lose weight and maintain body weight
- Safely strengthen and tone
- Understand unsafe exercises to avoid
- Choose pelvic floor safe exercises
- Strengthen your pelvic floor
- Increase your lean muscle
- Improve your bone health
Benefits of Resistance Band Exercises
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Resistance band exercises are beneficial in many ways:
- Great for’functional’ strengthening exercises that improve strength for everyday activities
- Easily progressed from light resistance through to heavy resistance allowing for progressive strengthening
- Easily matched to your existing level of strength
- Strengthen muscles through their whole range of movement since muscle tension doesn’t release during exercise
- Easily adapted for exercises that train the all the major muscle groups
- Light weight, portable and inexpensive
Resistance Band Exercises and Pelvic Floor Problems
Resistance band exercises are like most forms of exercise where it’s important to use pelvic floor safe exercises and techniques to avoid pelvic floor overload.
How to Keep Resistance Band Exercises Pelvic Floor Safe:
- Choose appropriate exercises
- Keep your resistance levels manageable (i.e. use appropriate band resistance)
- Breathe out with the effort that increases the tension (i.e. push, pull or lift)
- Choose supported positions i.e. sit rather than stand where feasible
For more information on safe strength training refer to the 10 pelvic floor safe resistance training guidelines.
Resistance Band Exercises for Core Strengthening
The 2 core strengthening exercises shown in this video are designed to strengthen the muscles that surround and support your trunk including abdominal and spinal muscles.
Resistance Band Core Exercise 1: Resisted Reach Forwards
- Start with a light-medium resistance band
- Fix the band around a door handle or fixed post
- Hold the end of the bands with both hands clasped together
- Stand side on to the door so that your shoulders are in both line with the length of the tube
- Move away from the door so that some tension develops in the band
- Bend your knees slightly to protect your lower back
- Lengthen your spine
- Lift the crown of your head towards the ceiling
- Raise your chest by gently squeezing your shoulder blades together and slightly down
- Gently activate your core abdominal muscles
- Exhale and extend both arms forwards
- Inhale and return your arms back towards your body
- Repeat this action for 8-12 repetitions
Turn your body to face the opposite direction and repeat
Pelvic floor safe exercise tips:
- Keep the resistance manageable so that you never strain
- Avoid too much strain on the band by moving too far from the wall
- Keep your action slow and controlled
- Breathe out as you reach forwards
- Repeat a comfortable number of repetitions
- Sit on a Fit Ball or Swiss Ball for added pelvic floor support as demonstrated in this exercise video
- If you notice any pelvic floor symptoms with this exercise reduce the resistance
Resistance Band Core Exercise 2: Resisted Body Rotation
- Start in the same position outlined for core exercise no.1
- Commence this exercise with both arms extended in front of your body
- Exhale and rotate your whole body away from the door handle
- Rotate your hips and pelvis at the same time so that your whole body rotates
- Keep your arms extended throughout this exercise
- Inhale and return your body back to your starting position
- Repeat this action for 8-12 repetitions
- Turn your body to face the opposite direction and repeat this exercise
Pelvic floor safe exercise tips:
- Keep the resistance manageable so that you never strain
- Avoid too much strain on the band by moving too far from the wall
- Keep your action slow and controlled
- Breathe out as your body rotates away from the door handle
- Repeat a comfortable number of repetitions
- Sit on a Fit Ball or Swiss Ball for added pelvic floor support as demonstrated in this video
- If you notice any pelvic floor symptoms with this exercise reduce the resistance
These resistance band exercises help you target and strengthen specific core muscle groups with the added benefit that they improve strength and control for everyday upright activities.