Prolapse Exercises complete pelvic floor friendly exercise guide for women:
By Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway
This Complete Guide to Prolapse Exercises by Michelle Kenway, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist is essential reading for women seeking to exercise safely, navigating the challenges of pelvic organ prolapse including post-surgery.
This user-friendly guide equips you with health professional expertise to help you exercise safely, stay strong and active, while reducing the risk of prolapse worsening with inappropriate strength and fitness exercises.
Prolapse Exercises is ideal for women with:
Fitness Levels: Beginners to more advanced levels of fitness with exercise progressions.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Types: All forms of pelvic prolapse including bladder, uterine, bowel and rectal prolapse.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Severity: All types ranging from mild to severe prolapse, including after prolapse or combined prolapse and hysterectomy surgery.
Prolapse Exercises Inside Out equips you with expert health professional insights to:
Exercise Safely: Know the best fitness, strength, abdominal, weight loss and bone health exercises to choose.
Avoid Inappropriate Exercises: Identify exercises to avoid, modify and choose safe alternative exercises to inappropriate exercises.
Whole Body Strengthening and Toning: Strengthen at home or in the gym with a safe strength training routine and strength exercises.
Deep Abdominal Core Strengthening and Toning: Targeted deep abdominal core exercises for home or gym.
Optimize Prolapse Surgery Recovery: Exercise safely after prolapse surgery with a progressive week by week home exercise routine.
Strengthen Pelvic Floor Support: Perform the best Kegel exercises (pelvic floor exercises) routine for prolapse support and relieving prolapse symptoms.
Lose Body Weight and Target Abdominal Fat: Choose the most effective weight loss exercises with prolapse and shift intra-abdominal fat.
Exercise for Bone Health and Osteoporosis: Choose the best bone health exercises specifically for women with prolapse and decreased bone density.
Gain Confidence: Build confidence in your ability to exercise safely.
Symptom Management: Learn exercise techniques to effectively minimize and manage prolapse symptoms.
Prevent Worsening: Engage in routines that are specifically designed for prolapse concerns.
Surgery Risk Reduction: Adopt a proactive approach to potentially reduce the need for future prolapse surgery.
Professionally Illustrated Exercises: Prolapse Exercises includes a wide range of exercises, each illustrated and photographed for clarity, ensuring you can follow along with ease.
Step-by-Step Guidelines & Summaries: Each exercise is broken down into easy-to-follow steps, complemented by key points summaries to reinforce your understanding.
Exercise Levels for All: Whether you’re a beginner or seeking more advanced routines, this guide caters to all fitness levels.
National Recognition: Michelle Kenway’s pelvic floor friendly exercise resources are used in the Australian Continence Foundations’ National Exercise and the Pelvic Floor Project.
Expert Guidance: Exercises and advice backed by Michelle Kenway’s extensive experience and dual postgraduate qualifications in women’s health and exercise.
Michelle Kenway’s work has reached a global audience through her Pelvic Exercises YouTube channel, amassing over 100 million views. She is a sought-after lecturer and advocate for women’s health, contributing to radio segments, online videos, and community presentations.
Prolapse Exercises ‘Inside Out’ provides you with the knowledge and tools to exercise safely, manage your prolapse and pelvic floor health, regain strength and fitness, and enhance your quality of life.
Easy to read guide
Hard copy book (soft cover)
110 pages illustrated and photographed diagrams and exercises
ISBN: 978-0-646-90457-3
© 2009-2025 Pelvic Exercises