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5 Proven Bladder Control Training Tips and Techniques

Bladder control training involves retraining the bladder to reduce the urge to empty the bladder as the bladder bladder fills. This free video teaches 5 simple strategies to help to reduce bladder urgency, help retrain the bladder and make it to the bathroom without bladder leakage.

This bladder control training video is presented by Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway. Michelle is the author of the internationally acclaimed guide to pelvic exercises Inside Out– the essential women’s guide to pelvic support along with Dr Judith Goh, Urogynaecologist.

Bladder Control Training Video Contents

This short physiotherapist video teaches how to how to effectively use the following 5 bladder control training techniques to help calm your bladder to overcome urinary urgency and bladder leakage:

  1. Pelvic floor exercises (kegel exercises);
  2. Controlled breathing;
  3. Toe curling exercises;
  4. Pressure on the perineum; and
  5. How to get to the bathroom without leaking.

Who is ‘Bladder Control Training’ Suitable for?

This video is ideal for women who experience bladder frequency and bladder urgency (i.e. intense bladder spasm and overwhelming urge to empty their bladder). It provides the viewer with simple effective and practical strategies and bladder control exercises to overcome bladder urgency, retrain the bladder and stay dry.

How Does Bladder Control Training Help?

Bladder control training is a process whereby the bladder becomes trained to stay relaxed during bladder filling. During this process of retraining, the bladder is trained to stay relaxed during filing rather than sending off the message that it needs to empty. The process of retraining can take quite a number of months and it usually involves a combination of exercises and techniques.

Elements of Bladder Control Training

  • Ensuring  fluid intake is adequate with a steady intake of 1.5 to 2 litres throughout waking hours;
  • Avoiding bladder irritants where possible e.g. caffeine, artificial sweeteners, spicy foods;
  • Trying to defer the inappropriate urge to empty the bladder -for most women we should empty approximately 250-500 mls, every time we empty the bladder.
  • Avoiding emptying the bladder ‘just in case’ wherever possible;
  • Noting your particular bladder triggers such as placing your key in the door or cold rainy weather;
  • Reducing evening fluid intake for women who suffer night time bladder problems- as your bladder volumes increase during the day, night time problems should decrease;
  • Employing the urge control strategies outlined in this video to help defer the urge and increase bladder control; and
  • Performing regular pelvic floor exercises to ensure that the pelvic floor muscles can be activated to help overcome bladder urgency.

Bladder control training is an effective method of overcoming the urgent need to empty the bladder and reducing bladder frequency during the day and night. It can take time to retrain your bladder. Seek the assistance of a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist or a Continence Nurse Advisor for assistance with your bladder control training program should you require further assistance.

Inside Out Book & DVDABOUT THE AUTHOR, Michelle Kenway

Michelle Kenway is a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist and author of Inside Out – the Essential Women’s Guide to Pelvic Support, along with Dr Judith Goh Urogynaecologist. The Inside Out exercise DVD and book show women how to strengthen the pelvic floor and exercise effectively with pelvic floor safe exercises.

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