How to Keep Your Zumba Workout Safe for Your Prolapse

Is Zumba safe with a prolapse?

Can you modify Zumba to reduce prolapse symptoms and your risk of prolapse worsening?

Yes! Fortunately many Zumba moves can be modified to help you enjoy your Zumba workout and reduce your risk of prolapse worsening.

This Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist information teaches you how to modify the Zumba dance moves in 2 popular Zumba fitness workout videos (scroll down).

Which Zumba Dance Moves can Increase Prolapse Symptoms?

There are some Zumba moves that should typically be avoided and modified by women with prolapse problems.

The two different styles of Zumba discussed below help you understand how to modify potentially unsafe dance moves and enjoy your Zumba workout.

Zumba Dance Workout 1- Boom Boom by Black Eyed Peas Zumba Routine

Prolapse Exercises e-Book

International best selling prolapse exercise guide for women with prolapse and after prolapse surgery.

Prolapse Exercises Book

Prolapse Exercises teaches you how to:

  • Exercise safely after prolapse surgery
  • Reduce your risk or repeat prolapse
  • Avoid unsafe exercises
  • Choose pelvic floor safe exercises
  • Reduce your risk of prolapse worsening
  • Improve prolapse support
  • Increase your strength and fitness
  • Strengthen your core
  • Lose weight

Zumba Pelvic Floor Friendly Modifications

1. Avoid Repeated  High Impact Jumping

This Zumba routine is mostly low impact exercise (i.e. at least one foot remains on the ground throughout the routine).

Low impact Zumba moves help you protect your prolapse when compared with high impact dance moves.

If you have prolapse problems it’s best to avoid high impact moves that involve repeated jumping, hopping or skipping and heavy landing. Repeated high impact exercises can force the pelvic floor (and prolapse) downwards during Zumba classes. This can cause prolapse symptoms during and after your workout.

How to Modify High Impact Dance Moves

Video 30-40 secs: modify the jump to a side step move

Video 2.42-2.51 secs: modify the jump to a side step move

2. Avoid Wide Leg Squat Dance Moves

The wide leg squat position causes some women to experience prolapse symptoms, especially when this position is maintained as shown in this video.

The wide leg standing squat is easily modified by standing with the legs closer together while keeping both knees bent to work the thighs.

How to Modify Wide Leg Squats for Zumba

Video 1.0-1.13 secs: modify by standing with your feet approximately shoulder width apart and both knees bent

Video 3.07-3.34 secs: modify by standing with your feet approximately shoulder width apart and both knees bent

Arm Moves

The arm moves in this Zumba routine are non-problematic for the pelvic floor and can be enjoyed with confidence.

Zumba Workout 2- Zumba for ‘1 Goal’ – Shakira’s Waka Waka

Zumba Pelvic Floor Friendly Modifications

1. Avoid Repeated High Impact Landing Moves

This Zumba routine contains a large number of high impact moves.

You can modify these high impact moves to reduce impact and the risk of overloading the pelvic floor during your workout.

How to Modify High Impact Dance Moves

Video 0.00-0.21 secs: avoid high impact side to side single leg landing jumps and modify these with low impact side steps

Video 0.58-1.14 secs: avoid high impact side to side single leg landing jumps and modify these with low impact side steps

Video 1.39-1.44 secs: avoid high impact side to side single leg landing jumps and modify these with low impact side steps

Video 2.01-2.29 secs: avoid wide leg jumps and modify with standing in one position or with small steps forwards or side to side steps

Video 2.46-3.05 secs: avoid knee lift hop and modify with knee lift no hop. Modify the side to side gallop move with a side to side step together move.

Hip and Upper Body Moves

The hip and arm moves in this video don’t create excessive load on the pelvic floor and can usually be performed with confidence.

Key Points For Prolapse and Zumba Routines

  • Zumba classes vary in terms of general safety for women with prolapse problems
  • Many Zumba moves are easily modified allowing women to enjoy their workout without overloading their prolapse
  • High impact dance moves involve landing after having had both feet off the ground at once
  • Modify high impact moves so that at least one foot remains in contact with ground throughout your workout
  • Most upper body Zumba dance moves can be practiced with confidence since they avoid overloading the pelvic floor.

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