Did your mum teach you anything about your vaginal health?
When I was growing up vaginal health wasn’t talked about openly.
I do recall mum telling me (in hushed tones) to wear cotton briefs to help me ‘breathe’.
I think that’s about all mum really knew to tell me back then.
Women can avoid the most commonly experienced vaginal infections (i.e. yeast infections/bacterial vaginosis) by knowing simple vaginal health tips.
Vaginal Health Tips Daughters Need to Know
These practical lifestyle tips promote healthy vaginal flora
Please scroll down for more information
You are most welcome to share this vaginal health tip sheet with women in your life
Healthy Vaginal Flora
Your vagina is one of the most flora (bacteria) rich areas of your body. Vaginal bacteria is very important; when a baby passes through the birth canal it acquires an abundant diversity of bacteria (and immunity).
Vaginal bacteria exist in a state of delicate balance of ‘good’ and ‘not so good’ bacteria.
When this balance tips and ‘good’ bacteria decrease in number, the ‘not so good’ bacteria flourish and vaginal infection can occur.
Bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella vaginosis) is an imbalance in the vaginal bacteria.
Yeast infection (Candidiasis or thrush) is a fungal overgrowth that can result with vaginal flora imbalance.
More Information on Vaginal Health Tips
Tip 1 Wash with water
Water is best for washing and avoid acidity changes, avoid using soap to wash the vulva or vagina
Tip 2 Avoid bubble bath & bath salts
Bathing/sitting in these chemicals can change the acidity of the vagina allowing bacteria to proliferate
Tip 3 Change your briefs daily
Changing reduces the chance of fungal growth
Tip 4 Wash your briefs in hot water
Hot water helps to kill fungi
Tip 5 Wash your briefs with mild detergents & no harsh chemicals
Chemicals can change the acidity of the vagina
Tip 6 Regularly change panty liners or pads
Moist warm environments promote fungal growth
Tip 7 Change your wet swimwear
Moist warm environments that promote fungal growth
Tip 8 Wear loose fitting clothing when you can
Air flow helps prevent the warm moist environment that promotes fungal growth
Tip 9 Don’t live in your gym tights
Synthetic fibres create a warm moist environment for fungal growth
Tip 10 Avoid pantyhose where possible
Synthetic fibres create a warm moist environment for fungal growth
Tip 11 Avoid perfumed vaginal deodorant or talc
Perfumes can alter the acidity of the vagina allowing bacteria to proliferate
Tip 12 Avoid petroleum or oil-based lubricants
Bacteria can adhere to these lubricants and proliferate e.g. Vaseline or olive oil/baby oil
Tip 13 Avoid lubricant additives
Additives can change the vaginal acidity e.g. antiseptics, scents, flavouring
Tip 14 Use silicone or water-based lubricant
When additive and paraben free these silicone or water based lubricants are best for vaginal health
Tip 15 Don’t douche
Douching or water spray into the vagina can upset the bacterial balance
Tip 16 Pat dry from front to back
When cleaning after toileting avoid wiping gut bacteria forwards toward the vagina or urethra (urine tube opening)
Tip 17 Avoid scented/alcohol cleaning wipes
These wipes contain chemicals that can change the acidity of the vagina
Tip 18 Eat a healthy diet
There is no good evidence supporting sugar free diet for Candida treatment however a healthy diet that includest dietary fibre and minimises fast food favors beneficial bacteria
Tip 19 Eat yogurt rich in ‘good’ bacteria
One of the beneficial strains of vaginal bacteria is Lactobacilli found in some yogurt
Tip 20 Manage stress well
Stress can reduce immunity – a strong immune system favors bacterial balance
Tip 21 Don’t smoke
Smoking can cause bacterial imbalance
Tip 22 Know your flora changes with hormonal changes
Hormonal changes occur naturally with menopause, pregnancy and menstruation can upset your vaginal flora
Tip 23 Ask about anti-fungals when prescribed antibiotics
Speak with your doctor since antibiotics along with some other medications upset the flora balance
Tip 24 Ask about probiotics with antibiotics
Speak with your pharmacist for probiotics rich in Lactobacilli
Tip 25 See your doctor about persistent vaginal symptoms
Rather than self-treating with over-the-counter remedies see your doctor for accurate diagnosis i.e. with unusual discharge, odour, itchy irritation
Tip 26 Wear cotton underwear
To help you breathe!
Key Points for Maintaining Vaginal Health
Some of the most commonly occurring vaginal health problems can be readily prevented by keeping vaginal flora healthy and balanced.
These vaginal health tips are positive steps you can take to maintain your own vaginal health.
Why not share these tips with your daughter or female friend and help them stay healthy on the inside too.
Did your mum share any tips with you? I’d love to hear about them below!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR, Michelle Kenway
Michelle Kenway is a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist and author of Inside Out – the Essential Women’s Guide to Pelvic Support, along with Dr Judith Goh Urogynaecologist.
The Inside Out exercise DVD and book show women how to strengthen the pelvic floor and exercise effectively with pelvic floor safe exercises.