Learn how to do the two Kegel exercises that improve bladder control.
These two bladder control exercises are designed to help you stop bladder leakage and improve bladder storage.
Exercise along with this Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist video to learn the correct technique for getting the most out of your bladder control training.
Video duration: 6 minutes
Suitability: Women all ages seeking bladder control exercises
Please scroll down below this Kegel exercise video for details on the correct exercise technique and exercise dosage.
Pelvic Floor Exercises Workout
Strengthen your pelvic floor with this daily Kegel exercises routine.
This evidence-based pelvic floor exercise workout guides you step by step.
Presented by:
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle Kenway
Track 1 – Introduction to Successful Strengthening
Track 2 – Finding your Pelvic Floor
Track 3 – Feeling your Pelvic Floor Muscles
Track 4 – Using the Correct Pelvic Floor Exercise Technique
Track 5 – Beginners Pelvic Floor Exercises Workout
Track 6 – Intermediate Pelvic Floor Exercises Workout
Track 7 – Progressing and Maintaining your Strength
Kegel Exercises For Improving Bladder Control
Kegel exercises train the pelvic floor muscles.
The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and contract to stop bladder leakage.
Pelvic floor muscles sit like a mini trampoline under your pelvis running between the sit bones from side to side and the pubic and tail bones front to back. These muscles encircle the 3 pelvic openings.
How To Test Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
Squeeze and lift inside around all three pelvic openings together. You should sense a tightening and squeezing sensation and then a letting go with pelvic floor muscle relaxation.
You can test your pelvic floor muscles by trying to stop or slow the flow of urine. Do this as a test only once a week and never if you have trouble emptying your bladder. When your pelvic floor muscles contract they can stop or slow the flow of urine.
If you can’t contract your pelvic floor muscles sitting upright, try to contract them lying down on your back or on your side.
Kegel Exercise 1: Long Exercises
Long Kegel exercises can improve bladder storage and bladder support.
These long exercises involve contracting the pelvic floor muscles and maintaining this contraction.
- Start with good upright posture
- Breathe normally throughout
- Squeeze and lift around your 3 pelvic openings
- Keep lifting and squeezing for up to 10 seconds
- Relax your pelvic floor muscles
- Rest briefly until recovered
How many long Kegel exercises?
- Start out with the number of Kegel exercises you can do
- Aim for 8-12 exercises in a row (3-10 second holds)
- Repeat 3 times daily
Kegel Exercise 2: Short Exercises
Short Kegel exercises can stop or reduce bladder leakage with coughing, sneezing or laughing.
These short strong exercises involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles using quick brisk action.
- Start with good upright posture
- Squeeze and lift your pelvic openings using a brisk, strong action
- Relax and repeat
How many short Kegel exercises?
- Start out with that number of contractions you can do in a row
- Aim to do 10 short strong exercises every day
How Long For Improved Bladder Control?
The length of training to see results varies according to your existing strength and control.
Some women find that their bladder control improves a couple of weeks after commencing.
Women with weak pelvic floor muscles may find that training takes longer, even up to 5-6 months to achieve full strengthening.